Our founder, George Roberts recently co-authored the following journal articles as part of the US Department of Energy Benchmarking Advanced Water Splitting Technologies: Best Practices in Material Characterization project.
Standard Operating Procedure for Post-Operation Component Disassembly and Observation of Benchtop Water Electrolyzer Testing, by Jennifer Rebecca Glenn, Grace A Lindquist, George M Roberts, Shannon W Boettcher, Katherine E Ayers, published in Frontiers in Energy Research, section Process and Energy Systems Engineering.
Measurement of Resistance, Porosity, and Water Contact Angle of Porous Transport Layers for Low-Temperature Electrolysis Technologies, by Ryan J. Ouimet, James L. Young, Tobias Schuler, Guido Bender, George M. Roberts, Katherine E. Ayers, published in Frontiers in Energy Research, section Process and Energy Systems Engineering.
Additional information about the Benchmarking Advanced Water Splitting Technologies Project can be found here: 2022 DOE Annual Merit Review Presentation
